Town approves water for RM development

February 19, 2014, 1:54 am
Kevin Weedmark


The town of Moosomin will provide water to a development by the RM of Moosomin just east of town.

The RM is developing commercial lots across the municipal boundary from land being developed by Borderland Co-op and has been waiting for a decision from the town on providing town water for the project.

At Wednesday’s council meeting, Moosomin town council agreed to provide water to the RM.

RM of Moosomin Deputy Reeve David Moffatt said he was happy with the decision.

“There’s a lot of red tape involved yet, but this is a step in the right direction,” Moffatt said Friday.

“We’ve been working on subdividing land and a road closure out there, and our next step is with community planning.

“The town seems to be very willing to work with us, and our main goal is to start working closer together with them.”

The RM has proposed 10 lots on about 33 acres.

“We’re trying to bring economic development into the RM,” says Moffatt. “We think there’s a need for these lots.”

The RM started the process toward the new development about two years ago. The RM hopes to build a new muncipal shop in the development.

He said he is happy to have the town’s agreement to provide water for the development.

The town will also provide water testing in the RM—something that has to be done when water supplies cross municipal boundaries.

The town will provide water to the municipal boundary, and the RM will be responsible for installing water lines within its development.

Customers will pay more than town residents for water, which is the case now where water lines have been extended outside the town boundary. The rural rate is three times the town rate.

“We’re going to need to work together with the town,” said Moffatt.
Also at Wednesday’s council meeting, councillors discussed alignment of streets within the Borderland Co-op development next to the RM development.
The RM submitted a proposal to have a road running parallel to the Trans-Canada Highway, in front of Co-op and Tim Hortons.

Councillors expressed a preference for a roadway that would be in alignment with Celebration Drive. Council will meet with the Co-op to express their concerns.

