New senior hockey league formed for 2020-21 season
Moosomin Rangers, Esterhazy Flyers and Rocanville Tigers all join league
October 18, 2020, 5:03 pm

A new senior hockey league has been formed for the 2020-21 season, and three local teams—the Moosomin Rangers, Rocanville Tigers and Esterhazy Flyers—have joined the league.
The Sask East Hockey League is expected to start games in early November. Currently there are nine teams in the league. Aside form the Rangers, Tigers, and Flyers, the Langenburg Warriors, Bredenbury Cougars, Ituna Avalanche, Theodore Buffalos, Canora Cobras, and Hudson Bay Hunters are part of the league.
The Moosomin Rangers played in the North Central Hockey League last season, while the Rocanville Tigers took a leave of absence from the Triangle Hockey League. The Esterhazy Flyers were also part of the Triangle Hockey League last year, which folded after the 2019-20 season.
It’s anticipated each team will play a 16-game schedule (eight home games and eight away games), although with the ongoing Covid-19 situation, the league will be divided into two cohorts until the Christmas break and a further determination on games will be made at that time.
Eight of the nine teams will make the playoffs, with the quarter-finals and semi-finals being a best of three and the championship series being a best of five.
As far as attendance is concerned, the SEHL says they will abide by the recently released Saskatchewan Hockey Association guidelines, and fan attendance will be limited to 150 with masks required for all who attend games.