Moosomin town-wide cleanup this week
June 3, 2024, 10:57 am
Ryan Kiedrowski, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Moosomin, it’s time to roll up those sleeves and clean up the town! Don’t worry, according to Jasmine Davidson, we’re going to have a lot of fun sprucing things up!
Davidson is Project Manager for the Moosomin Communities in Bloom, and said that interested volunteers of all ages can meet at the Town Office on Wednesday, June 5 at 1 pm. to get involved. She especially credited local students with their continued enthusiastic participation in the big clean up effort.
“They’re a big help,” Davidson said of the students, adding the point of pride taken during the big day.
Plus, the dilly bars donated by DQ certainly provide an extra incentive for the kids to pitch in!
Speaking of donations, several local businesses have contributed to the annual clean-up. Nutrien donated gloves, Borderland Co-op is supplying water, Dairy Queen is also contributing garbage bags, and Tim Horton’s will be bringing coffee to energize the adult volunteers.
There’s also a chance to win $100 in Moosomin Bucks with an easy and fun contest. To enter the draw, simply take a selfie while helping with the cleanup and email that image to to be entered.
Davidson suggests participants dress for the weather, bring some comfortable walking shoes, and tons of energy. Volunteers with a vehicle able to haul garbage collected is also a huge help, and the town landfill site will be providing free access from June 5 to 9.
In the spirit of ‘many hands make light work,’ Davidson anticipates the town-wide clean up to take a couple hours. Plus, it’s a good excuse to visit with your neighbours while contributing your time to a good cause— keeping the town looking amazing!