Co-op donates $130,000 to Whitewood playground

July 2, 2024, 8:59 am

Co-op donates to Whitewood Playground Borderland Co-op presented $130,000 to the Whitewood Playground Committee. The new apparatus will break ground soon, with hopes of being ready for early September.

Borderland Co-op presented a cheque for $130,000 to Whitewood School Thursday to help with the cost of a new “Treetop Adventure” play structure at the school.

“On behalf of the playground committee and the whole school I want to express how excited and grateful we truly are. Being able to have a play structure that is new with the added feature of being accessible to everyone regardless of their age or abilities is just such an asset not just for our school, but for our whole community,” said principal Connie Maier.

“It seems like we’ve been fundraising for years and years and we’ve appreciated all of the parent and community support. Unfortunately as you know, everything—ground work, foundation, labor, apparatus equipment—is so expensive it takes a long time to gather enough money to start. But we have been so lucky to have a diligent and committed playground committee that just kept persevering. But having been awarded such a huge grant has been so fantastic that it has truly transformed Whitewood’s Treetop Connection from a distant vision to a very exciting reality that we are so excited to be able to put into motion right away. So thank you so much for your generosity and for choosing our school’s project to support. It really did turn our dream to reality, which our children can benefit from and enjoy.”

“I would like to thank Macey (Raiwet) for spearheading the team and for all their hard work and dedication,” said Jeff Cole of Borderland Co-op. These projects don’t just happen without a lot of hard work. I’d also like to thank the Borderland Co-op team. To make this happen it takes a team. The $130,000 is the biggest contribution Borderland Co-op and FCL have made through this program.

“We help out with about 300 projects annually. This was our biggest financially. We are a different kind of business. We return our profits to the community. No one owns the Co-op so we try to give back.”

The total cost of the project will be $250,000, and the Co-op donation brings the school up to its fundraising total.

The playground committee will be looking for volunteers to help with construction this fall—6-8 volunteers a day for five days. Principal Connie Meier and Macey Raiwet said the project will be completed this fall, and the kids are already excited about it.

2024 marks the 10th year of Community Spaces. Since it was launched, $13.5 million has been invested in 189 projects across Western Canada. This year a total of $1 million of capital support was provided to 14 projects.

A schematic of how the new Whitewood playground will look.<br />


