Lori Faloon-Austin: Dauphin - Swan River - Neepawa Electoral Candidate for Maverick Party

Lori Faloon-Austin

Dauphin - Swan River - Neepawa: Maverick Party

Name, age, hometown:
Lori Falloon-Austin, Age 50, Foxwarren, MB/p>

Tell us about yourself:
What’s one thing that very few people know about you?
I am a huge wrestling fan, be it Indies or professional, I love it all!

Why should voters give you their vote?
I will provide a voice to finally bring about a balance of power we have long been denied. Block voting carries alot of power.

What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest weakness?
My greatest strength is that I always find a way to make things work. My children will vouch for me on that. My greatest weakness is chocoloate

 Where do you stand on:
The need for more pipelines? 

I support the development of our natural resources so I completely support pipeline extensions, yes.

The Carbon Tax?
The carbon tax needs to be scrapped on both the provincial and federal levels.

The level of the federal deficit and debt?
Both our deficit and debt are out of control. Our great great grandchildren are set to be burdened by this.

Federal support for agriculture?
There needs to be much more money spent on agriculture and it needs to be received in a timely manner

The federal response to the Covid-19 crisis?
Overall it could have been a much better response, more diligence over the CERB program. I'm not sure much foresight was in place during the planning stages.

The state of ethics in our federal government?
Ethics have been shown out the front door in parliament. It's criminal and needs to be addressed to the fullest extent of the law.11) our climate is definitely changing. If it's manmade or natural is a raging debate. No matter your stance, all of us need to practice environmental responsibility. It's common sense to practice that.

Are we facing a climate crisis? 

Who inspires you?
The people I have met thus far on my campaign trail. I see hope everywhere I go. People are ready for change.

Who are the three people, dead or alive, that you’d love to have dinner with?
Jimi Hendrix, Winston Churchill and my Grandma Falloon.

What’s the one album you’d take with you on a desert island? 
ABBA's Greatest Hits

If elected, what do you hope to accomplish in the next term?
My main goal is to bring the balance of power in the West. Block voting works for Quebec so why not Western Canada.
