Local student in motocross accident making progress

Update on Koby Machniak and his recovery since his motocross accident in July

August 23, 2023, 10:16 am
by Ashley Bochek

Koby Machniak

Moosomin student Koby Machniak, who was injured in a motocross accident this past July, has been recovering in Winnipeg and is expected to have a full recovery.

Lea Wiens, Koby’s mom, says Koby is now back at home and will be in school this fall.

“We were transferred and admitted to Regina General Hospital earlier this week,” Lea said Thursday. “Koby was then released from the General Hospital and we are home now. Koby will be doing Physiotherapy in Moosomin, but occupational and speech therapy in Regina. The doctors are amazed by his progress. It’s incredible.

“We anticipate Koby will be back in school this fall. We may limit his hours in class. A plan is in the process for his transition back to school.”

Koby has nerve damage and fractures in his hands.

“Koby has nerve damage and fractured vertebrates in his hands causing pain.

“His memory is coming along well. Koby is doing everything on his own now, he is very independent,” Lea said.

Koby’s family enjoyed their stay at the Ronald McDonald House in Winnipeg.

“We were in Winnipeg July 30 up until earlier this week. We stayed at the Ronald McDonald House which was wonderful,” said Koby’s mom.

Koby met with a concussion specialist in Winnipeg before transferring, and Lea says the specialist can’t believe Koby’s development already.

“We did see a doctor in Winnipeg, Michael Ellis, he is a concussion specialist. He said Koby’s injury is quite rare where the bleeding is in his brain. He is amazed how strong Koby is and how far he has come already.”

Each day Koby has shown improvement from the last. He has been motivated by the support from friends, family, and local communities.

“Every day we notice a difference in memory and function. He is fighting so hard and he is really motivated by all the support he has gotten. He is was more than ready to get out of the hospital. We are seeing accomplishments every day for Koby,” Lea said.

Koby and his family enjoyed a baseball game in Winnipeg last weekend.
“We did watch the Winnipeg Goldeyes, a baseball game. Koby did very well with watching the game. We were out for five hours. He did not want to go back to the hospital, he wanted to stay out and watch a movie or something else, too.”

The Shriners have reached out to Koby and his family with some options for them to consider.

“The Shriners have reached out to Koby and we are looking into rehabilitation centres for his recovery in the US.”

Koby is recovering fast and is expected to make a full recovery.

“Things are going really well for Koby. We talked with the neurological team in Winnipeg and they are expecting a full recovery. There is no time line it’ll just take time. Like they said, ‘Not one brain injury is like another.’ It is just day to day to see where Koby goes from here.”

