An exciting time of life

University and new life experiences is exciting

August 23, 2023, 10:19 am
Ashley Bochek


Ever since I was a little girl there has been no doubt in my mind that I would be attending university one day. Growing up I have heard of many stories from my mom who attended Brandon University. The stories have always made me excited to one day experience them on my own.

My parents have always taught me that university is where you find yourself amongst all the other young adults searching for the same. I have always been told that university will be one of the best experiences of my life and now I get to live the dream of moving out and challenging myself to strive for what I am most passionate to do.

This fall I am attending the University of Regina. I have recently started packing and making trips to the city and I can’t help but feel excited for something new. I feel I am more than ready to start my future and see where the next five years takes me.

By attending McNaughton High School I have captured skills of hard work and time management. Working at the World-Spectator I have learned to be outgoing and to not be afraid of trying something new. My parents have taught me to be confident and grateful for the opportunities I have been given and my older brother, Kyle, has proven to me moving away from home is just another step to growing up. Brett, my younger brother, has taught me to be myself even if others may think of me differently. All which will help me grow as a young adult off to university.

I was a figure skater growing up and the sport has showed me that independence is a good thing and I can achieve challenges on my own by persevering and working hard. I believe I am the person I am today because of the love, competitiveness and commitment I had for figure skating. Being on my own doesn’t scare me and I have grown up to be a strong and an independent young woman who is more than ready to attend University because of my coach, friends and love for the sport itself.

After 18 years of attending school in Moosomin, I am ready for something new. I am excited to move to the city and see what life is like at university. I can’t wait to meet new people and adapt to new classes and schedules while experiencing life on my own. I can’t wait to try new hobbies as well when I may have free time. I know it is a big change, but I have always been good at being independent and accepting change.

I am so unbelievably excited for something new that it is hard to put into words. The different scenery and work only makes me want to start as soon as possible. I can’t help but smile while writing this article as I am completely happy for everything new, the unknown and my future! I can’t wait to experience what my future has in store for me and it is all happening so fast, I am finally going to find out!

Regina has always been one of my favourite cities as it reminds me of our town, smaller than others, but holds many opportunities of which some I have grown out of living here in Moosomin.

I am most excited for the people I am bound to meet, the friends I am going to make, and the fun I will experience attending university. Hearing of everyone else’s fun at university only makes me more excited to experience my own. I want to share stories to the younger graduates one day and tell them about my take on the university life. I want to tell my own stories and encourage others to do the same as I did after high school.

This community has given me many opportunities as a young girl growing up in Moosomin surrounded by friendly faces and lists of activities to grow passion for, but now that I have grown up, the city awaits with new experiences I have yet to accomplish.

I can’t wait to see where I go and know that I am always welcomed home.

