Tomlinson plans to run as mayor again

September 30, 2024, 9:35 am

Larry Tomlinson plans to run for another term as Moosomin’s mayor this fall.

Mayor Larry Tomlinson of Moosomin has decided to run for another term in this fall’s municipal elections.

“I’ve been mayor for 11 years and before that I spent six years as a councillor trying to get my feet wet and get into it,” Tomlinson says. “We’ve had very good success over the years that I’ve been mayor and we’ve had a good council and good people to work with and we’ve accomplished a lot of good things for the town.

“We have a lot on the go right now that needs to be finished and I’d like to see that CT scanner finished between myself and the chairman of the board for the Moosomin and District Health Care Foundation.

“The water treatment plant has to be finished and we need to carry on the infrastructure system that we’re doing which is two blocks per year to replace the old infrastructure system that’s in town.

“Then there’s the federal grant for housing, that $1 million really helps. We’ll be able to add 43 units of housing no problem and I think it’s going to happen probably within two years to help the town grow.

“Hopefully we can attract some more new businesses to town as well. I think with my stability and what I’ve done, I’ve kept the town pretty stable. I’ve had a good council to work with. That’s the important thing—you’re only as good as the people you’ve got working for you.”

Tomlinson says infrastructure continues to be a challenge.

“I think the biggest challenge is to keep the infrastructure in place,” Tomlinson said. “We have a program in place to keep doing that every year—to do a little bit. We had a five-year plan and we completed that, but we’ll carry on with it to keep the infrastructure in place and to make the town grow.”

Tomlinson said the record paving program, that has included several streets and the Bradley Park parking lot, continues.

“There’s still paving going on, Poplar Street is still being paved,” he said. “We’ve also been working to keep our equipment up to date and we just received a new gravel truck which was long overdue. So we’ve been working to keep our equipment up and we’ve got a very good Public Works staff. They work very well together and the people in the office are working well so we’ve got a good team all around and it’s a joy working with them.

“I hope that I win the election and I hope to continue to carry on the good relationship with all of the staff that we’ve got because I think it’s good. We’ve been stable over the years, I think as far as the years that I’ve been mayor, we’ve had a good relationship with the staff and I’d like to keep it that way so we can continue to grow and expand the town.”

Tomlinson said he’s proud of a lot of his accomplishments on council over the years.

“I got on council just as we were doing the lagoon expansion, which had to happen before anything else. There’s also the water treatment plant that is being worked on right now, which will allow us to grow up to 4,600 people, and things that we’ve done for the hospital through the Moosomin and District Health Care Foundation.

“It’s been awesome—to attract 14 doctors and have all the services we have at the hospital is awesome and it looks like it might go up from there yet come next spring.

“Health is a big one, I’m very proud of what we’ve done in health care. Infrastructure is another thing I’m proud of. The way the town has worked on the streets, we’ve worked hard to try and keep the paving up but we need to do the infrastructure before we can pave, so it’s a process.

“One of the big ones is the water treatment plant because the old one is about 35 years old and that was the life of it so it’s due and it should be open by the end of the year hopefully.”

He said if re-elected he has several priorities.

“In the next term I want to see that CT scanner get to town, I’d like to see some more new business get to town, expand the housing and somewhere into the near future, not too far away, I’d like to see some development happen for housing through a developer or whatever else. We have a lot to do and I’ve been there for 11 years so I think I can make it happen with the help of a good council.”

Tomlinson said the mayor’s job is a time consuming one.

“Well my wife figures that I put in at least 10 hours a week, sometimes more. Every day I’m in the office because there’s always something to sign.

“We normally have at least two meetings a week through whatever committee you’re on. The Moosomin and District Health Care Foundation takes a lot of time—that is a big one and we need to keep on top of it because that’s helping the doctors. So that’s a huge one and it takes a lot of time.”

Why does he put in the time and effort as mayor, and why does he want to continue?

“Well I want to see this town grow and I want to see it expand and I want it to be the best place to live that it can be for people,” he said.

“I just want it to be a good place to live so that everybody can enjoy it. I think it can be one of the best small towns in Saskatchewan and I think we’re getting there. I want it to be the best little town in Saskatchewan, and we’re getting there! I just want to keep going strong, keep the town growing and make it the best place to live in Saskatchewan.”

