A new way to see the riding
December 16, 2024, 9:31 am
Kevin Weedmark

I have had a lot of new experiences since being elected MLA for Moosomin-Montmartre, and one of the most enjoyable so far has been seeing the constituency from a new perspective, riding a train across the constituency from Moosomin to Indian Head.
Ashley Bochek accompanied me as I spoke at the Moosomin stop of the Holiday Train, then we rode the Holiday Train to Broadview and I made a few comments there, then we rode the train to Indian Head and I made a few comments there as well.
What a beautiful way to see the riding, and what a great opportunity to meet people in those three communities. Thanks to everyone who came out and supported their local food banks that day! It was incredible to see the support across the riding!
I had a blast on the holiday train, and look forward to getting into communities across the riding in January and February.
Christmas Open House
If you want to meet your MLA, we will host a Christmas Open House at the Moosomin Constituency Office 622 Main Street, from 2-4 pm on Monday, December 23. Stop by and meet Charlene and myself, and enjoy some coffee or hot chocolate and a treat. In the new year, we will set up similar events in communities across the riding so I can meet people in every community.
Multiple roles in new government
I have many roles in the new government:
• I serve as Deputy Government Whip. Among my duties are tabling answers to written questions from the NDP opposition in the Legislative Assembly, serving as part of the House Leadership team, so my days begin with a House Leaders meeting before the daily Caucus meeting, deciding on the order of speakers on the government side of the house, making sure we always have enough members in the house, approving absences if a minister or a member has to be away from the Legislative Assembly at any point during the session, and generally herding cats.
• I serve on the Board of Internal Economy. The Board has responsibility for all matters of financial and administrative policy affecting the Legislative Assembly and its members. The board oversees the finances of the Legislative Assembly, its revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities, the board issues directives governing issues such as MLA expenses and spending, the board oversees independent officers of the Legislature including the Chief Electoral Officer and would approve the Chief Electoral Officer’s use of any alternate procedure, equipment or technology during a general election. The Board of Internal Economy is responsible for reviewing and approving the budgets for the Legislative Assembly Service and the Officers of the Legislative Assembly, including the Ombudsman and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner, the Advocate for Children and Youth, Information and Privacy Commissioner, Chief Electoral Officer, and Conflict of Interest Commissioner and Lobbyist Registrar. For my first meeting of the BOIE, my meeting package filled an entire binder, so that is a very busy committee with a lot on the go!
• I serve on the Cabinet Committee on the Economy. Any decision items that are going to cabinet first go through this committee. Any issue that could have an economic impact, whether it’s coming from Saskatchewan Agriculture, Highways, Trade and Export Development, SaskBuilds and Procurement, or any other ministry, goes to this committee before going to cabinet, and this committee recommends a course of action to cabinet. I have been part of some very interesting meetings so far, where ministers and their senior officials come to present a plan or various options along with potential repercussions and the committee hashes out the idea before forwarding a recommendation to cabinet.
• I serve on the Standing Committee on the Economy. Unlike the internal Cabinet Committee, this committee includes both government and opposition MLAs and its meetings are public. The Standing Committee on the Economy considers matters relating to the areas of economic development, agriculture, environment, natural resources, rural issues, transportation, and infrastructure. This mandate is accomplished through the examination of legislative proposals, budgetary estimates, annual reports, regulations and by-laws of professional associations, and by conducting inquiries. We had our first meeting of this committee last week.
• I serve on the Standing Committee on House Services, which provides general oversight for all the standing and special committees with respect to membership and the allocation of government departments, agencies and Crown corporations to the various policy committees. In addition, the House Services Committee is responsible for the review of estimates and annual reports of the Legislative Assembly Service and the review of estimates and annual reports of the various officers of the Assembly. Finally, the House Services Committee is authorized to examine any rules, procedures, practices, and powers of the Legislative Assembly, its operation and organization, and the facilities and services provided to the Assembly, its committees, and members.
• I serve on the Caucus Management Committee. This committee is responsible for finances, operation and human resources for the Saskatchewan Party Caucus within the Legislative Assembly, so everything from hiring caucus office staff to setting the annual budget for the caucus office and planning caucus events falls to this committee.
Session wraps up
We wrapped up the fall session last week, and I will have a bit more time to meet with people right across the constituency.
If you need to contact me, please email me at office@kevinweedmark.ca, call the constituency office at 306-435-4005, or drop into the office at 622 Main Street in Moosomin.
And follow me on facebook and instagram. I have posted videos of my various speeches including my 33 minute (!) response to the Throne Speech.