RBC donates to Moosomin Visual Arts Centre

February 20, 2024, 10:46 am

RBC made a $1,500 donation to the Moosomin Visual Arts Centr recently. From left are Megan Caplette of RBC and Mobile Mortgage Specialist Angela Gordon, who initiated the donation, Krista Crellin with MVAC accepting the donation, and Danette Fowlie and Clarissa Ballantyne with RBC.

RBC recently made a $1,500 donation to the Moosomin Visual Arts Centre to help MVAC with their startup costs. The arts centre is operating at 701 Ellice Street in Moosomin, and is currently fundraising for equipment, supplies and staffing.

Angela Gordon, Mobile Mortgage Specialist with RBC, said she decided she wanted to make the donation after hearing a presentation by the Visual Arts Centre Board at a Moosomin Chamber of Commerce meeting. “They made a good presentation and I understand how important it is,” she said. I think that it’s really good for the community. I think it will be really important for kids and just for creativity, and I just love the idea. And the space is really cool too. So, hopefully the money is helpful and they can use it for supplies.”

In addition to the monetary donation, Angela Gordon and Megan Caplette helped unpack boxes of donations from the community during MVAC’s move into their new location.

MVAC chair Krista Crellin says donations like RBC’s are critical to getting the new arts centre started.

“We couldn’t do it without donations like this,” she says.

“It’s important for us to make sure that we give back to the community and make sure that we’re part of the community,” says Gordon. “We’re not just a bank. We’re also trying to support communities, whether that’s arts, whether that’s kids, whether that’s school, sports— whatever it is, we try to get involved.”

